The Legendary Martial Arts Grandmaster Dan Inosanto is coming October 27 & 28 to the Syracuse Area for the first time in nearly TEN Years. Don’t Miss this opportunity to train hands on with one of the most respected and knowledgeable individuals in the martial arts world today! The seminar will be for two amazing days of training, Sat. and Sun. 10:00am to 4:00pm each day.
Where: Tai Kai Jiu Jitsu, 911 Old Liverpool Rd., Liverpool, NY 13088 (315) 395-0910
The cost is:
Early Bird- Before September 30th 1 Day $95./ Both Days $180.
Pre-Reg- Before October 12th 1 Day $115./ Both Days $195.
At The Door/ after October 12th 1 Day $130./ Both Days $220.
Space at the door is NOT guaranteed, Pre-Registration is highly recommended! Limited Enrollment!
Open to All Levels. Photos and Video Not Permitted.
Spectators will not be allowed. Special circumstances considered.
Call Kevin Seaman at 607‐423‐5159 for additional Information.
Don’t Miss This Rare Opportunity To Train With This Living Legend!